Archive for October, 2015

Oct 21, 2015
Posted in 52 Weeks with  0  Comments

Week 28: July 5-11th.

Another thing I can add to my ongoing list of what I am learning about toddlers is that they can be indecisive and moody little creatures. “I want ‘x'”. So you go and get ‘x’ for them. “No, I don’t want ‘x’!” As funny as it is to talk about it can also be sooooo frustrating. However, I really can’t complain because even though my sweet boy has his moments he is an easy kid overall and easy to distract from what could be a potential melt down.

With that said, since I’m still behind on this project I don’t remember exactly what Cole flipped out about at the end. I can only imagine it’s the said scenario I described and his common theme of where he probably wanted out of the crib until I actually went to reach for him to get him out of the crib. Ahhh, toddlers…










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