Feb 06, 2015
Posted in 52 Weeks with  0  Comments

At night I can easily lay Cole down in his crib awake and he will fall asleep without a peep. Nap time…. Not so much. Usually when I try to just lay him down for a nap he’ll immediately cry (and the boy is quite persistent), which pulls at my heart strings. It’s been a challenge because of the time it takes to get him down and I’m a working-from-home mama who needs those nap times. So, occasionally I’ve been attempting to lay him down without having to bounce and sing him to sleep. This time, as I first started out watching him through the cracked door, I saw him vacillate between play and crying for me until I finally went in and helped comfort (and photographed ;) ) him until he fell asleep.

After working on his jumping abilities he’s finally gotten it down and was cracking me up when he was jumping in his crib.



His pals, Max+ Regi. At night he asks for Max and holds him in his arm.52_weeks_week_5_abp_04






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