Archive for '52 Weeks'

Jan 29, 2015
Posted in 52 Weeks with  0  Comments

At least once a day Cole goes to our shoes in the hallway to put them on. He tries to slip his feet in and usually he’ll pick them up, repositioning them several times to make this task easier. Sometimes he’ll try to walk in them, other times he gets frustrated if he can’t easily slip his feet in, and when he does successfully get them on, he’ll proudly look to us smiling for acknowledgment. Occasionally, as he is saying, “shhh, shhh, shhh” for shoe he will carry them over one-by-one to put them on my feet. Of course, I always indulge him when he grabs my foot thinking that he is the one who is guiding it into my shoe.

Oh, my sweet boy and these sweet moments… I know I am only into week 3 and the motivation is still strong, but I am grateful I have committed to this story-telling photography project.  Not just am I photographing Cole and our daily life more consistently, but it is also forcing me to actually go through and edit the pictures I make (a problem I have with my personal work). And, in a sense it is slowing down this rapidly changing time. Allowing me to further reflect each week and soak in all this goodness in my life.

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