Posts Tagged 'Boudoir'

Once again I had the pleasure of attending another Raw Photo Design workshop packed with all sorts of boudoir goodness: models, hair, makeup, sexy lingerie and of course, Eric’s boudoir experience.

Boudoir by definition means a woman’s dressing room, bedroom, or private sitting room. However, in the photography world boudoir is a chance to let a woman put aside her inhibitions and let herself be captured as a pinup girl or lingerie model to surprise her man with an unexpected sexy gift. I don’t know if many of you have considered a boudoir session, but maybe after seeing how the images can be tastefully done, you’ll want to put one in the books. ;)

Also, big thanks to Eric & Amber for showing me thy ways. Y’all rock!

Enjoy my favorites…



The model was posed in a tight setting, so I worked around another photog.

What would a RAW workshop be without some off-camera lighting?

Oh here there, Eric!  Thanks for the tunes.  ;)

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